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India’s most comprehensive biomed lab assisting humans and farm animals with revolutionary services!

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Serving mankind and attendant animal life with the best technology in life-sciences, healthcare, medicines, foods and related industries!

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India's only multi-feature laboratory that provides a range of services for mankind and related ecosystem!

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India’s most advanced laboratory that uses the best of equipment, machines and system for accurate outcomes!

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India's only laboratory that gives equal weightage to the health of humans, animals and plants!

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What We Do

Shradhasai Lifesciences is one of India’s premier laboratories that provides a range of services that assist industries as far apart as agriculture, pharma, veterinary, and foods. It came about in the year 2018 under the watchful eyes of Dr. Rajesh Enadle whose vision was to provide a comprehensive range of services in identifying, isolating, amplifying, and certifying for a range of issues ranging from microbial research, DNA & Gene analysis, identifying and isolating heath-impacting chemicals, animal health, providing specialized services to a range of industries that include agriculture, food, pharma. Given the sheer range of Shradhasai Lifesciences offering, it’s but a given that it has invested in some of the world’s best and most advanced of methodologies, instruments, and systems.


Why Shradhasai Lifesciences

Online access to the report

Shradhasai Lifesciences reports online can be accessed from anywhere

Fully Automated

 Speed and accuracy in testing, identifying and reporting being the norm worldwide, Shradhasai lifesciences entire working across its range of services have been automated using the best of technologies

Guaranteed Accuracy

Shradhasai lifesciences is synonymous with high accuracy in all its testing and reporting activities

Latest Technology & Equipment

Shradhasai Lifesciences uses the latest technology and equipment for speed and accuracy in testing and reporting.

International Quality Compliance

Shradhasai Lifesciences entire range of services are geared towards complying with international quality standards of the highest order

Transparent Policies

Shradhasai Lifesciences provides all its services based on policies, ideals and thoughts that are clear, transparent and inviolable at all time and under all circumstances.




Food Industry




Microbes are a fact of life on earth  which  no  one can  differ.  They   affect   humans,  animals   and 

plants in varied forms and way, some of which may be anything but beneficial. This makes isolating, testing and reporting an important activity for a range of industries including food, agriculture, pharma and drugs (both for humans and animals).

Molecular Biology

Changes made at molecular levels lead to a sustained and permanent change in characteristics.

Molecular Biology and the study of proteins, DNA and RNA, their identification, isolation and extraction are of immense importance and scope in pharma, life-science and agriculture.


Chemicals affect every facet of life is it of humans or otherwise.  These  effects are desirable and the

undesirable. Toxicology and the testing of chemicals, medication, drugs and substances for their impact on health and certifying them accordingly are a necessity across industries



Chemicals that affect life are many, with outcomes equally varied, both positive and negative.

SSL with its advanced systems, equipment and knowledge helps study the effects of biochemicals on varied life forms to generate digitized in-depth reports as per customer demands.


Our traits, positive or negative are part of our persona due to our genetics.

Knowing them in the right context can help us live better lives as also avoid or lessen the effects of undesirable traits in our genes. Shradhasai lifesciences provides an encompassing range of services in isolating, testing and reporting in genetics.

Other Lab Services

Sharadhasai Labs’s range of lab-related services is unprecedented in India.

Besides the obvious ones mentioned earlier, Shradhasai lifesciences provides tailor-made services in isolating, testing and reporting in which confirm to high standards.

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